Starting a Business
A one stop site for doing business in the city of Ottawa. All the tools you need to start your business from permits to by-laws.
Document Certification
Since March 2020, the Ottawa Board of Trade has been offering an online certification service for Certificates of Origin (CO) through TradeCert.
Licencing Tools
BizPaL is a free online service that allows entrepreneurs to quickly and efficiently create a tailored list of permits and licences that are required from all levels of government to operate…
Kanata North Technology Ecosystem
We did some research, analyzed the data, crunched the numbers and what we found was exhilarating. Exciting. Thought-provoking.
Access to Capital
The Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP) facilitates access to affordable asset-based financing to small and medium-sized businesses by sharing the risk with the lenders.
Industry Statistics
Canadian Industry Statistics (CIS) provides an insight into your industry’s performance. CIS is a “one-stop shopping” area for industry statistics. It brings together various statistics…
Trade Data
Trade Data Online (TDO) provides customs-based statistics on international trade in goods. Source data is obtained from Statistics Canada and from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Importers Database
Canadian Importers Database (CID) provides the names and locations of the largest Canadian importers of goods. CID is an essential tool for conducting research on commodities imported into Canada.
Concierge Service
Concierge Service provides one-on-one assistance to help guide you to the most relevant public innovation programs and services available to help meet your innovation needs..
Ottawa Tourism
As Canada’s Capital, Ottawa is a hub for culture and history, being home to seven national museums that recount the tales of the country’s colourful past.
Ottawa Employment Hub
Ottawa Employment Hub is your provincially-funded Local Employment Planning Council. We connect business and community partners to bridge the skills gap and broaden the search for talent. We provide local labour market information to help employers, workers and job seekers make informed choices.
Why Ottawa
Ottawa is in the midst of a giant outdoor playground featuring mountains, beaches, camping, skiing, golfing, and hundreds of freshwater lakes.